(Keio Student Only) Call for: Indonesia Fieldwork 2019

This is for Keio students only.慶應生のみが応募できます。

Indonesia Fieldwork 2019 hosted by Institut Teknologi Bandung

We are now calling for participants in Indonesia Fieldwork program, hosted by Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), for the year 2019 ( August 1 ~ August 10).

Theme:  Discover west java coffee and culture

This summer school prepares designers to be able to create their VR 360. Students have the opportunity to study comprehensively about designing a media including storytelling, visual narrative, immersive & media production (VR 360).

By the end of the program, students will have shared their immersion about coffee and West Java culture through VR 360.

Please click here for more details. ITB SUMMERSCHOOL 2019

*Please note that the fieldwork may be re-scheduled due to unexpected event.


About ITB Summer School

ITB Summer School – Visual Communication Design 2019 is aiming to introduce Indonesian culture to overseas students through various types of foods, music, games, performance and local genius of Indonesia. This year’s theme is Exploring Eco-Culture Tourism in Creative City. The participants will engage in the process of design thinking and making project with diverse student groups. (This time participants will come from Indonesia, China, Korea, and Japan.)

Furthermore, all participants will get valuable experience by learning traditional art. They also will get the chance to create their own Batik (one of Indonesian cultural heritage masterpiece), experience the adventurous outdoor activities, and explore the city with its riches of culinary, history, and local hospitality. This program is designed so that participants can learn while enjoying the culture simultaneously.

About Institut Teknologi Bandung

Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) or Bandung Institute of Technology, was founded on March 2, 1959 by the Indonesian government. We are not only the most prestigious engineering university in Indonesia (QS World University Ranking, DIKTI & Webometrics 2019 ), but also famous for Indonesia culture and tradition development through Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD). Up until now, we have several international students and established many International collaborations.



  • All lectures will be provided in English.
    *Participants (both Japanese and non-Japanese students) from Keio University should be at least able to carry conversations in English.
  • University student majoring in Visual communication design, digital media, engineering, language, and arts.
  • Highly interested in coffee and culture
  • Proficient in digital media software
  • Each student must bring their own laptop and smartphone which eligible for VR and game development.

Target and Capacity

This program is for both undergraduate and graduate students. The expected number of recruited students is 3-5 from Keio University.


Schedule (*tentative)

1 August

Arrive at Bandung, Indonesia

2 – 8 August


9 August

Final Presentation

Share Experience about west java coffee through VR360

10 August

Leave Bandung, Indonesia


How to apply (Only for Keio students)

For Keio students: Both undergraduates and graduate students (who are able to communicate in English) are eligible for the program. Also, once accepted, participants are required to participate in all fieldwork related activities under EBA program.

Selection process (only for Keio students)

All you have to do is:

  • Fill out the APPLICATION FORM (from: here) in English
  • Write about 300-word essay stating your interest in the theme of the fieldwork (either in English or Japanese) and submit to eba-submit-group[at]keio.jp (please change [at] to @ before emailing us) with subject: “Indonesia Fieldwork 2019 Application- Your Name”.
  • (Japanese student only)日本人学生でJASSOスカラーシップを受ける学生は、成績表も一緒に提出してください。詳細は下記のNoteをご確認ください。

Then submit these two/three materials to eba-submit@ml.keio.jp with subject: “Indonesia Fieldwork 2019 Application- Your Name”. The deadline is 9:00AM (JST), 26 June (Wednesday), 2019.  Screening result will be announced on 27 June (Thursday).

Costs (only for Keio students)

The participation fee for this summer school is 500USD and covered accommodation, meals, activities and other services during this field trip. However,  Airfare is not included in the participation fee. Please note that you need to purchase your airplane tickets fee ( to/from Bandung) by your self.

The good news for Japanese students is if selected, you are eligible to apply for JASSO scholarship (70,000 JPY) which should help cover part of your Fieldwork related expenses. *Please read carefully the following note.


JASSO scholarship is only for Japanese citizen(日本国籍の学生のみ申請可能です。)If you are planning to apply for JASSO scholarship, you are also required to submit a student grade report(成績表)。1年生の学生は (undergraduates and graduates), 春学期の成績を準備してください。詳細は、下記JASSOの手引きよりご確認ください(P.6~8):


If you have any questions, please contact us at eba-ra-group[at]keio.jp (please change [at] to @ before emailing us).

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